Do you feel like you are always in a loosing battle with your fringe?
Cutting, growing, home snipping and regretting Sound familiar?
Fringes can lengthen, shorten, widen or narrow a face so getting that focal point perfect is arguably the most important part of any style.
When it comes to styling, where do you start? After shampooing, the bonds in the hair are ready to be trained into place, the minute the hair begins to dry in its own direction the fight is on!
These tip should help…
How to create a smooth fringe
Step 1 – Start by putting in your parting; comb your fringe area down towards your face thus getting rid of he parting in the fringe area.
Step 2 – Using a powerful dryer whilst combing your fringe towards your face, keep blasting and combing, when almost dry comb and blast from left to right, right to left.
Step 3 – With a nozzle on the hairdryer, use a round brush under the fringe and follow he hair downwards towards the face.
The shorter the fringe, the smaller the brush! If you have a full fringe this should achieve a nice smooth look without a parting, if you wear your fringe longer, simply push to the side, this will have a nice sweeping effect for a smooth fringe but not stuck down! Applying Oil and a blow-dry spray will help.
How to create a voluminous fringe
Step 1 – Start by putting in your parting; comb your fringe area down towards your face thus getting rid of he parting in the fringe area.
Step 2 – Using a nozzle on the hairdryer, place a round brush under the fringe and lift straight up whilst turning the brush, it may sound tricky but after a little practice it will become much easier.
Step 3 – Keep lifting and turning until the hair is dry and pull the brush out in the opposite direction from the side its worn, this creates a nice sweep, lift and volume.
Applying a volume mousse to roots will help! Finish with a touch of lightweight spray and enjoy the day!